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Donabate Portrane Tennis Club is fully committed to safeguarding the well being of its Children. Every individual in the club should at all times show respect and understanding of their rights, safety, and welfare.

Currently, for all club organised activities involving U.18 members the Management Committee will ensure adequate adult supervision is in place for such events. While the club takes every reasonable measure to ensure the safety and protection of all its members' such measures do not extend to the provision of adequate adult supervision other than for organised club activities. In that regard, it is the responsibility of each parent/guardian to ensure that their child

is adequately supervised at all other times while on the club premises. This includes when the child is receiving private coaching and also times when the child is participating in privately arranged hitting/practice sessions. The Management Committee advises that, with the exception of a family pairing, a Junior should not be alone on court with anyone over 18.  Safeguarding is for the protection of all members, both Junior and Adult members.

Child Protection Policy 2021

To review all club policy please click   


Should you have any queries or concerns please contact any of the following;


John McFadden

Child Protection Officer

CONTACT:  Details in Members Area

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Niamh Liston
Child Protection Officer

CONTACT:  Details in Members Area

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Robbie Harrold

 Designated Liaison Officer

CONTACT: Details in Members



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