"If you don't practice, you don't deserve to win".
- Andre Agassi -
Meet Our Coaches

Stephen Murtagh
Director of Coaching
Level 2 Coach
Stephen has over 10 years experience as a tennis coach and has been coaching in Donabate since 2016. He has coached all ages from 4yrs upwards including league teams up to class 3.
Stephen has been a level 2 coach since 2013 and a certified Tennis Ireland Director Of Tennis since 2015. He is the club's school co-ordinator with Tennis Ireland. Stephen is also certified as a specialist on the serve since 2021.
Stephen is Garda Vetted and a licensed Tennis Ireland coach.
He has completed training in Child Protection and First Aid.
Available for private coaching.
CONTACT: 087 055 2623 stephenmurtaghtc@gmail.com

Hugh O'Loughlin
Level 2 Coach
Hugh has 40 years experience as a tennis coach
His experience is vast and includes Director of Coaching for Dublin Parks Tennis, Manager of Malahide Castle tennis centre, Coach at Malahide, Portmarnock, Clontarf, St. Ann's Raheny TC & Enjoy tennis coach.
He is a Tennis Ireland & FCTCA Tutor and Director of Tennis
In addition to this Hugh is an ex-class one tennis player and still enjoys playing league for the club.
Hugh is Garda vetted and has completed training in Child Protection and First Aid.
Hugh runs his own tennis academy and is
available for group or private lessons.
CONTACT: 086 027 1320 hughtennisacademy@gmail.com

Anna O'Reilly
Level 1 Coach
Anna qualified as a Tennis Ireland licensed coach (Level 1) in 2022 and set up Tennis Essence in September 2022 with a vision to spread the joy of tennis. She is passionate about the game and enjoys playing tennis both socially and competitively. She plays in the Dublin leagues and in open tournaments to challenge herself to play against different players in other clubs. 

Anna has been Garda vetted and has completed training in Child Protection and First Aid. She coaches adults and juniors in Donabate Portrane tennis club and adults in St. Anne’s tennis club. She also coaches after schools tennis and Enjoy Tennis sessions in St. Anne’s tennis club and Donabate Portrane Educate Together national school. 

If you are interested in booking tennis lessons or need any more information please contact

Laurent Laforgue
Level 1 Coach
With a lifelong passion for tennis, Laurent qualified as a Level 1 coach in August 2023. A former Club Captain and founding member at DPTC, he has vast experience playing class 2 league in Ireland for Castleknock LTC and DPTC and in France, with a keenness for doubles.
Laurent is Garda Vetted and a licensed Tennis Ireland coach, having completed training in Child Protection and First Aid.
He is available for private coaching of players of all ages.
If you need any more information please contact
CONTACT: 086 254 0323 llaforgue@aol.com
Adult Coaching
Whether you are new to tennis, getting back into tennis, playing social, round robbins, league or just want to improve your tennis ability; our coaches offer a variety of group sessions
Our coach and Director of tennis, Stephen Murtagh, will run groups for Beginner (6pm) and Improver (7pm) adults on Tuesday evenings.
There will also be a group for all skill levels on Thursday and/or Friday mornings subject to demand. These groups usually run in blocks of either 4 or 6, depending on the time of year.
For more details, or to book private lessons, contact Stephen at stephenmurtaghtc@gmail.com.
Our head coach Hugh O'Loughlin
For more details, or to book private sessions as an individual, pairing or group, contact:
Hugh at 086 0271320
Which Course is Right for Me?
The summary below outlines what's covered in each of our three adult coaching programmes. If you're unsure which one's right for you, Stephen and he'll be happy to guide you in the right direction.
The aim of the beginners' programme is to help players serve, rally and score. On completion, you will know the basic technique of the forehead, backhand, serve & volley along with some tactics and a good comprehension of the rules of tennis
This programme is aimed at those who have completed the beginners' course and who wish to improve/develop their technical ability to enable them to improve their match-play ability. Game-based learning is used to create point-based scenarios to reinforce technique
Coaching Coming Up Next
Group Coaching for November/December 2024 further dates for 2025 will be posted when available

Contact Stephen at Stephenmurtaghtc@gmail.com
Junior & Teen Coaching
Our junior and teenage coaching programmes are run in a fun, safe, and enjoyable learning environment following Tennis Ireland's coaches' education system.
Junior & Teen Group Coaching Schedule
Run in line with the school year our programmes are run by coaches Hugh O'Loughlin and Stephen Murtagh. It caters for juniors of all levels, beginning with groups for red ball players and progressing to orange, green, and finally the standard yellow ball. For queries re junior tennis please contact our coach Stephen at stephenmurtaghtc@gmail.com
Please note:​
Classes are divided by age and ability using modified equipment, smaller courts and slower balls (red, orange, green and yellow)
All classes include warm-up, physical components (e.g. balance exercises), technical topics (e.g. serve), and games based around various technical topics, finishing-off with an appropriate cool down.
Spaces are limited – only juniors and teenagers booked can attend coaching.
Days & Times
Days and times for upcoming programmes will be advised via WhatsApp and/or by email in advance. Please ensure to sign up for our Junior Members group.
Term Costs
The cost of a 10-week term is €80 for members. Coaching is currently available to members only. Discount for siblings - please advise when booking.
To book your junior into our coaching programme, or for more information, contact our coach Stephen via email at stephenmurtaghtc@gmail.com
Assembly and Collection
The assembly and collection point for all coaching is at the tennis courts at the start/end of coaching.
In the interest of children’s safety, cars should park in the golf club main car park. Access to the tennis courts is by walking past the tee-box on hole 1 on the yellow course (to the right of the yellow hut) and then following the gravel path over to the side of the fairway, through the trees and on to the tennis courts. This walk takes about 5 minutes.
Please do no park in the private car parking space opposite the tennis courts or on the grass opposite the tennis courts. If golfers are teeing off please wait for golfers until they are finished and then walk down to the courts. The same applies on your return to the car park.
No children are to be dropped off by car on the main road.
Children must be collected unless otherwise agreed when booking.​
What to bring
Rackets are available to use during coaching if needed - tennis balls also provided.
We recommend that you bring a water bottle to avoid children from leaving courts during the lesson. ​
Please wear appropriate clothing - classes will go ahead in light rain.

Achievement Awards
When a red ball player (usually aged 5-7) joins our coaching programme, the aim is that before they progress to the orange ball they will complete the five skill awards which are detailed below. Each time a level has been completed the child will be presented with a certificate by the coach.

For further information please below

We are grateful to our coaches Stephen & Anna for running a very successful 10 weeks of junior coaching this summer.
Thanks also to all juniors who took part. The next term for junior members will start 3rd week in September, details will be emailed nearer the time. In the meantime our Coaches are available for private coaching, please contact them directly to arrange.
Click on link below to watch our virtual tennis video.